In My Kitchen November-

Might need a cuppa for this, I’ve rambled on a bit!

It is really Spring, but we keep going back to winter and then back to Spring repeatedly. I was going to start this post saying I think Spring is well and truly here but it’s currently 11 degrees with 30km per hour wind and it feels like it could snow up on the hills. I have deferred planting my tomatoes for a week or two, hoping to see some improvement. The tomatoes in the greenhouse are doing well, but everything else in the veggie patch is way behind its normal schedule so I don’t have the space for tomatoes free quite  yet.

In My Kitchen  is all I have left from last years garlic harvest.

Garlic sproutingIt has lasted really well but there are signs of sprouting so I went through the remaining bulbs and discarded any that were soft and had sprouts showing. The remainder I have placed in the fridge to delay shooting (theoretically) hoping that this years harvest will soon be ready.

In My Kitchen this month are a few goodies I bought while in Melbourne a couple of weeks ago. Last year I bought some smaller clay dishes after Celia wrote about them and I love them but they are a little too small for a whole serving per person. I bought these at Chef’s Hat in Melbourne. I love this store, they have an amazing array of cooking gear for both commercial and domestic purposes.

img_9966 I grabbed a bottle of this gorgeous smelling Turkish Rosewater from Sonsa Foods in Collingwood. It is a freshener and smells just like when you used to make rose-water from pulling the precious heads from your mums best roses and mixing them with water in a jar. The description vaguely translates as “A Turkish toilet waters (Kolonya), as it should be. Pleasantly refreshing, not too pushy and a fragrance that makes happy. the EST Kolonya “Hatiralar” smells fine and gently green leaves, rose, water flowers, Indian grass, sandalwood and some sweet fragrances. The refreshments for the start of the day and also in between for the face, neck or hands”.  I broke the rule of not buying plastic but I just couldn’t resist it.img_9968 I love this little find I had at the Turkish Suppliers in Campbellfield. This is a Guvec, a Turkish clay pot that is glazed inside and is used for cooking stews and casseroles. It can be used in the oven and on the stove top. I just love its simplicity and rustic look.img_9970 Then there is the Sucuk. This is a spicy beef cured sausage and will be going into gozleme, on top of pizza and just for nibbling on. It is often served in Turkey as part of the breakfast dishes. img_9974 and I couldn’t resist a couple of bottles of Sulcer Biba, or pepper paste. I find I am using this more and more as you would tomato paste. It really adds a delicious depth and zing to dishes. This one is a mild version but I also got a hotter one.img_9976I stocked up on chicken feet and chicken pieces at the Footscray market. I bag these up, freeze them and make fresh stock when needed. Our older son was suffering with a good dose of tonsillitis so I made up a care kit package for him. I made chicken stock, turned this into some chicken soup loaded with vegies, made some sourdough bread and a couple of rolls. This along with some freshly squeezed orange juice and I felt like a ‘real mum’ again.

Chicken Soup Care KitI had a few things that needed to be used up in the fridge so we ended up with a roast capsicum, broccoli, broad bean, bacon and greek yogurt quiche. I made the shortcrust pastry using a recipe Lorraine from Not Quite Nigella had  posted and it is beautiful. I did cook this a little too hot, still tweaking with the oven.Red pepper quicheThis was accompanied with a salad I made using coarse bulgur rather than the smaller variety. It is basically a tabouleh but using red capsicum instead of tomato (no decent tomatoes around yet). Soak 1/2 cup of burgul  into hot water until fluffy, add a good splash of olive oil, juice of a lemon plus another half (maybe) S&P, fry off a red capsicum and an onion until slightly soft. Chop a very generous handful of mint, parsley and mix all together. Adjust tang to your liking by adding either more lemon or oil. Top 10 list for us!Capsicum TaboulehI finally got the chance to use my ‘Big Bertha’ (almost 3 wine bottles long) rolling-pin when making the pastry.  It is impressive I must say and did a great job in a flash.img_9946 I got to add a few treasures to the sideboard, still have to do the door and drawer knobs, they are on the list…..img_9934 Nearly finished, hang in there!

In my kitchen is some Oolong tea or as we have now named it, Rabbit Poo Tea. We drink a lot of tea and this is a good way of going through the ceremony without consuming the added sugar we have with our strong black tea.  This is a sample pack and I have arranged for Tea Leaves to now fill my BYO container at the store. Tea Leaves  is an incredible tea shop that really needs to be seen to be believed.img_9952There are a couple of loaves of sourdough, these are sesame seed loaves. I simply toasted a cup of sesame seed and added to the dough and rolled a few on the surface before baking, it smells wonderful. Sesame Seed sourdoughI have been crocheting some shopping bags. I bought some 8 ply cotton from Bendigo Woollen Mills and am really thrilled with how they have turned out. These, along with some dish cloths, might make up some Christmas gifts I think. The pattern for the red one can be found here. The pattern for the green one, here.

Market bags crochetedFinally, In My Kitchen this month is this gorgeous little fella! Now 10 months old and discovering that pasta is not only tasty but fun!CharlieThanks to Liz over at BizzyLizzyGoodThings for being the “In My Kitchen” link up host. It is a great way to see what people are up to and get some great ideas along the way. What’s happening in your kitchen this month?

38 Replies to “In My Kitchen November-”

  1. Oh Maree, that sideboard, gorgeous! As is the little one. : ) So many good things in your kitchen. I love the sound of the rosewater. Thank you for participating, and for the lovely shout out.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What a busy month! The side board is looking beautiful now that your goodies are displayed. You’ve reminded me I keep meaning to put sesame seeds in my sourdough as well. The cutie at the end is the best though, especially since the little one isn’t in my kitchen and I don’t have to clean it up!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I DID warn you that the cazuelas were addictive, right? 😉 As is all clay – love your Turkish stew pot! Your little man is getting big! And as always, your sourdough loaves are looking magnificent…I haven’t made a sesame loaf in ages, but you’ve inspired me. Hope you’re both well, so nice to see you settling into the kitchen as if you’ve been there for always.. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. LOL! Yes, very addictive. At least I now know where I can buy in Melbourne and not have the fear of carrying deadly weapons on a plane. G, says hi! Takes me 5 minutes to work out which gas jet I should choose, how ridiculous. 🙂


  4. Great to see the little bloke enjoying his pasta creatively. Also good to see the dresser well and truly dressed, in the Irish manner. Looks like you scored well in the Turkish shops of Melbourne- always a treasure trove of things to be found. You’ve inspired me- might get crocheting again and make a lovely string bag. Thanks for the link to the patterns.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Ooo that little Turkish clay pot is so cute! I bet it cooks beautifully too.
    The weather has been a bit flip-floppy here too. But I think summer is starting to arrive – it was about 32C here today!

    Your sourdough looks delicious. I love the idea of the sesames and must try it myself some time.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Nice to see all your treasures in the sideboard, they make a place feel like a well loved home. I have a collection of glazed terracotta dishes too and agree with you about the smaller size. Your little man is growing quickly Maree and loving his food


  7. Gorgeous Guvec which I have to tell you that I lust over. I love cazuelas (which I have in a variety of sizes). They (the cazuelas) come in handy, or at least I tell my husband when he sees them all stacked in the cupboard. Clever idea of putting peppers in the bulgar salad. The little guy with the pasta headdress makes a perfect picture! Glad to see someone enjoy his food!


    1. I toyed with bringing home lots of clay pots from Turkey but just didn’t want to risk breaking them. I was thrilled to find this, Guvec and I find I am using the cazuelas for all sorts of things, love them! Our daughter had mixed some spag bog sauce with veggies and I gave him the spaghetti, it went everywhere and he had a ball!


  8. Maree, you can ramble on anytime you want! I actually read through your post the other morning and had my hubby “come see” the photo of your lil’ pasta-loving guy — so cute! — we couldn’t help but smile over his “halo.” (Didn’t have time to comment then… hope I don’t “go on” too long now, lol.) Your clay dishes are beautiful, the pepper paste sounds marvelous, and your sideboard “looks like you.” How nice to finally be able to display your treasures! I must say, I like your “measurements” too — a rolling pin three wine bottles long?? Yay, Big Bertha!


    1. Hi Kim, I’m loving having little Charlie in our lives, bright as a button and a wonder to watch. Wine bottles are one thing that people can identify with universally so I was being purely practical! Never mind the fact we actually had 3 lying around…………

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  9. WOW Maree, so many goodies this month for IMK but my favourite is your Guvec, was it expensive? I’ve been looking at the Japanese clay pots but some can only be used on the stove top or in the oven, not both. Your sourdough looks fantastic! And I’m interested in that suck, is it like chorizo? x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Nicole, the Guvec was (I think) $23.00. It’s about 8″ diameter and I love it! Yes the sucuk is quite similar to pepperoni and can be eaten cold too. The asian supermarkets in Richmond have some clay pot but not as pretty as this! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  10. You have done such a wonderful job in your new kitchen, I love the display of your china. Celia turned me on to the joys of cooking in clay as well, I have been acquiring some pieces from the Spanish Table in Berkeley. That pepper paste sounds very interesting, I will keep on the look out for it. Thank you for the glimpse into your kitchen, I definitely have a case of sourdough envy.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. i love all the pretty things on your sideboard. and look at those fab clay items. and i love the rosewater and other turkish items. and what a cutie you have there enjoying his pasta. a great month in your kitchen.


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