Peas & Pomegranates In My Kitchen

In My Kitchen this month we have been chipping away at the exteno and things are progressing nicely. A few of the cabinets are in place,

IMG_6905 and we have delivered a trailer load of timber which we removed from the old section of the house, to our  bench top man. These lumps of timber will hopefully be transformed into beautiful timber bench tops, that are full of character and it’s nice to think we’ve put a little of the old house back into the mix.IMG_1116-2After a busy day and when you don’t feel like cooking much, it’s great to reach into the freezer for some easy goodies. I made and froze this tomato soup following the guidelines from Francesca at Almost Italian and it is terrific. Easy peasy, heat, serve and slurp!Tomato soupIn My Kitchen is sourdough Banana bread. I made this banana bread using Teresa L Greenway’s recipe from her Northwest Sourdough site. If you are a keen student of sourdough, you can’t do better than learning from Teresa. I have been referring to her work for many years and she has become something of a celebrated guru in all matters of sourdough. Teresa now offers online tutorials through Udemy and they are an excellent source of information. Her success is very well deserved! I used half the recipe for a loaf and the other half for individual ‘muffin’ style banana breads. The crumble is a lovely addition and they are very light and fluffy. Mr ATMT said he didn’t really like banana bread, then I served this up……IMG_6916Oops, overfilled this tin. That smelled good for a while while it burned off the element!IMG_6908Roast veggies with a twist.

As I mentioned before, we have been looking for quick, hassle free meals at the end of the day and tonight I did a simple roast vegetable dish with a little twist. I roasted, sweet potato, eggplant, parsnip, a couple of onions and Dutch Cream potato in a recycled foil tray. These veggies were sprinkled with sumac, salt and olive oil and roasted for about an hour. I added the cherry tomatoes to roast for the last 15 minutes or so and at this stage I removed the eggplant and mashed it with some black pepper and lemon juice, setting it aside until serving time.

IMG_6918 Onto the plate I stacked, the eggplant mash, quickly cooked peas (so they retained their bite), then the assorted roast veg with cherry tomatoes laid across the top. I sprinkled the lot with chopped coriander then drizzled the last of the magnificent Bill Granger Caramel Vinegar Sauce (left over from our pork belly feast) over the roasted vegies. This was then crowned with pomegranates, I love these fruits, the fresh popping of these seeds is delightful. Fresh and tasty, the coriander worked so well with the sauce. Delicious!

IMG_6935That’s all for In My Kitchen this month, why don’t you pop over to Maureen at Orgasmic Chef  and see who else she has hooked together this month.


27 Replies to “Peas & Pomegranates In My Kitchen”

  1. I can’t wait to see those bench tops. So nice that you have done that.
    Oh hey, have you made quince paste before? I’ve been given a bag of quinces and I’d like to give that and jelly a go. I baked some of the quinces tonight, delicious.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Your roast vege dishes are inspiring… actually all your cooking is inspiring but at the moment time-wise quick & tasty roast veges are both necessary and doable here…
    I love that you are upcycling the old timber into benchtops, retaining the history and feel of its age 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love timber bench tops. How lovely to mix the old with the new! The salad sounds amazing… pomegranate seeds make everything delicious 🙂


    1. Hi Sherry, I love roasted veggies cos I can do it last minute and usually have a bit if this and a bit of that that can go into it.I am excited about the bench tops, and the kitchen generally. Cheers


  4. Looking forward to seeing your beautiful wooden bench tops come to life. As a cook, I’m always thinking about the sort of bench tops I’d love to have in my kitchen, when we build one day. I want 4 different bench tops, now I’ve seen your wood Maree 😉 Good luck with the rest of the renos. Love to see you at Miss Food Fairy soon #IMK x


  5. I can’t wait to see the timber bench tops. What a great way to keep some of the old in the new kitchen. I’ll definitely have to check out the sourdough banana bread recipe, sounds great. Your roast veg also looks incredible.


  6. Maree, it’s amazing to see how far your kitchen reno has come along — love the idea to combine part of the old house with the new and can’t wait to see the results. I’m craving roasted veggies this very minute, thanks to you. 🙂 Your pomegranate garnish is brilliant!


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